Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is holding you back from your dreams?

This blog post will be about or address some of things that hold people back from following their dreams. I too have been guilty of not following my dreams. I find that the number one reason that people do not follow their dreams is due to a lack of money and/or knowledge and the second being because they do not believe in themselves. Usually, when you talk to someone and you ask him or her what he or she wants to do with their lives, you will find that it is something that they are not doing now. In fact, it may have nothing to do with their career at all. So then when the question arises of why they are not doing what they would like to do, the answer is usually regarding money or the lack of knowledge as to how to go about doing what they want to do.

Now is it a problem that people do not follow their dreams? Not really but it could be because God has given us all a purpose. I want to make the case that it would be very beneficial and healthy for a person to follow their dreams. Imagine being at work doing something that you absolutely hate but the money is good so you are satisfied with just going to that job every day. Although you are satisfied, once you get off all you do is complain because on the inside you are just completely unhappy.

My philosophy is that if you follow your dreams the money will come, it may take a while but it will come. Not only that, it is not even about the money, in all honesty is about the satisfaction, you will be more happy and therefore you will be more motivated to do what you already love to do. When you are doing something that you love to do, it will not seem like a job.  Too many times we worry about what we don’t have instead of using what we do have to work towards our goals, remember all things are possible with God.

The second most talked about reason as to why people do not follow their dreams and goals is because they do not believe in themselves. Many times we have went through things in life that cause us to not believe in ourselves, whether it was someone telling us that we were not good enough or we just felt that we were not for other reason. We have to break out of our comfort zone. We have to know who we are and whose we are (God’s Child), if God blessed you with gift/talent then you should use it. We must not be afraid. God can and will use anyone who is willing. We may not be the best but we will bless somebody by using our gift, God made all of us unique and therefore the way in which we use our gift although others may share the same one, it will be uniquely different than the rest.

Lets take for instance, Ms. Fantasia Barrino, Fantasia is one who has overcome many barriers including being unable to read. Fantasia pushed towards her goals in spite of everything that she was facing. In 2004 at the age of 19, Fantasia decided to try out for the 3rd season of American Idol and She went on to become to the winner of that season. I think Fantasia is an awesome example of following your dreams despite the fact that she could not read; she did not let that stand in her way. Of course, she may have struggled within herself but she did not let that struggle hold her back. In fact, she let it push her towards her destiny. Once fantasia won and got her recording contract, she was able to make sure all legal matters were correct by having her 4 year old daughter help her read the contracts. Fantasia has performed all over the world and has been nominated for many Grammy’s. Although she still has trials, we all have them and will continue to but God has told us to be of good courage because He has already overcome the world.  We can be overcomers and conquerors through Him.

Lastly, I want to say that whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself, don’t let your gifts and talents go to waste, seek God and ask Him to show you what to do with them. Believe in yourself as He believes in you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I came across some blogs that I thought fit really well with my topic today and those were For God's Sake Follow Your Dreams (which really fits well with mostly everything I addressed in my post today) and 19 Reasons To Ignore Everybody and Follow Your Dreams.  (You have to know that their will be people who do not want to see you succeed or that you the potential in you and wish they had the same but you will have to push back that and know that God has a plan for you).

I pray that this blessed you as it did me well writing it. God bless you all and thanks for reading. Check out Fantasia's 1st American Idol Audition when she was 19.

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